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Ant Mailing Train Program or AMT

AMT:   Ant Mailing Train




Name* 🔽




What You Want To Receive






Note, you must send ant related things, and if you do not send anything to the address you were assigned, your address will be removed from the mailing list, and you will no longer receive any gifts.  If you have been sent something that isn’t related to ants, you may file for a ban from the sender, by emailing (insert desired email here) with a photo of what you were sent, along with the letter.  Also put your name on the box.  This name MUST be the name you put in the form above.


Another requirement for you to put in the box is a letter containing a list of the contents of the box you sent.


🔽- This should be appropriate because if it isn’t the post office will not send your box, and you will risk a ban for not continuing the train.


🔼- This will not be given to ANYONE that is not a staff member of (website name)  The way it works is you send your package to the hub, then we send it to the address that corresponds to the name on the package.  This way your address won’t be shared with strangers.  The hub is an admin’s house/p.o. Box, and they get every package and distribute it properly.  



  1. you must send Ant related things, and if you do not send anything to the address you were assigned, your address will be removed from the mailing list, and you will no longer receive any gifts.  If you have been sent something that isn’t related to ants, you may file for a ban from the sender, by emailing (insert desired email here) with a photo of what you were sent, along with the letter.


  1. Also put your name on the box.  This name MUST be the name you put in the form above.


    3)  Do not try to scam by not continuing the mailing train, you will be banned.  This rule is heavily enforced.  It will result in permanent ban.  Not negotiable.


   4)  Make your gift worth 10 or more dollars.  After all you wouldn’t like it if someone sent you an apple and called it ant food.



Requirements to be in the box:


  1. A gift (please make the gift high quality, this program will only benefit everyone if everyone puts good in, and you are guaranteed to get good out.)

  2. A letter containing the contents of your box, and the name you put on the form.

  3. You must pack the box with LOTS of bubble wrap, or other cushioning materials, after all, test tubes, formicaria, some vials, etc are made of glass, and the mail is not always gentle with your package.

  4. The letter you will receive in an email, just print it out and put it in the box.

  5. $5 for shipping


(the letter will go something like this



Hi [name of receiver], I hope you enjoy your gift, and some ideas for the next  package you send are [gifts you want of next person on the train.]  )   Maybe some more if i think of it.

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